Adela C. Licona, Phd
Adela C. Licona is the founder and lead consultant at the Art of Change Agency. I bring 20 years of experience in higher education in the fields of rhetoric, professional communication, and women and gender studies. I have studied organizational communication, participated in shared leadership in feminist and community-based organizations, and consulted justice-oriented organizations and grant-funded collaborations. In my capacities as a writer, editor, organizational leader, and artist, I have been involved in innovative collaborations and in community building efforts in and across diverse communities and the academy. Working through the principles of what I term “art as coalitional gesture,” I have developed participatory projects as community connections and interventions. I am a member of the Colectiva Fronteristas Border Art Collective, Associate Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Arizona, and Editor Emeritus of Feminist Formations.